Two O’Clock Jump


                                                                                                              Release Date:  8/03


Choreo:  Nell & Jerry Knight  4401 Owens Rd  Evans, GA  30809 USA    706-863-0058


Record:  Roper Records 167-A  “Two O’Clock Jump”   Artist: The Roper Dance Orchestra

Rhythm:   Mixed Rhythm TS  SSS  QS                     RAL Ph:  IV               RPM:  45


Sequence:  Intro   A  A    B     CC    D     B     CC     D1-10       End




1-4      Bfy Wall Wait;;  Bk Apt 3; Tog 3 Bfy;

1-4 Bfy/Wall Wait;; bk apt L,R,L,-; tog R,L,R,-; to Bfy/Wall


                                                      Part A

1-12 Susie Q;; Front Limp; Sd Sraw Clo; Trav Door;;;;

Fc to Fc; Bk to Bk; Cir Away & Tog to Bfy [2nd x to Open LOD];;

1-2 Bfy/Wall XLIF,sd R,XLIF,-;  XRIF,sd L,XRIF,-;   (XIF)

3-4 Bfy/Wall sd L,XRIF,sd L,XRIF (XIF); sd L,draw R,-,clo R;

5-8 Bfy/Wall rk sd L,-,rec R,-; XLIF,sd R,XLIF,-; rk sd R,-,rec L,-; XRIF, sd L,XRIF,-;

9-10 sd L,clo R, sd L rel ld hds trn LF (RF) to bk to bk V,-; sd R,clo L, sd R trn RF (LF) Bfy/Wall,-;

11-12 cir LF (RF) L,R,L,-;  tog R,L,R,-;   to Bfy/Wall  [2nd X to Open/LOD]


                                                 Part B

1-12 Charleston;;Scoot; Walk 2; Charleston;; Scoot; Walk & Fc; Bro Bx;;;;

1-4 Open/LOD fwd L,-,pt fwd R,-; bk R,-,pt bk L,-; fwd L,clo R,fwd L,clo R; fwd L,-,R,-;

5-8 REPEAT MEAS 1-4 PART B;;;; to C/WAll

9-12 sd L,clo R,fwd L,-; rk fwd R,-,rec L,-; sd R,clo L,bk R,-; rk bk L,-,rec R,-;

                                                 Part C

1-12 Sd Tch Sd; Ch R to L - Ch L to R;;; Ch Hds Beh Bk - Shoulder Shove;;;

Ch Hds Beh Bk - Link Rk Semi;;; Dou Rk; Walk & Fc [2nd & 4th X  Walk & PU];

1-4  sd L,tch R,sd R,-;  {R to L} Semi/LOD rk bk L,rec R, L,-; R,-,(trn RF under jnd ld hnds) to

LOF/LOD {L to R} rk apt L,rec R; L,-,R,-;  (trn LF) to LOF/Wall

5-7 LOF/Wall {ch hnds beh bk} rk apt L, rec R, trn LF  L,-; R,-,  (CW around M)

 ch W’R hd beh bk to M’s R hd then ch hds to LOF/COH {sh shove} rk apt L,rec R;

fwd L,-touching ld sh with partner, rec R,-;

8-10 LOF/COH {ch hds beh bk} rk apt L, rec R, trn LF  L,-; R,-, ch W’s R hd to M’s R

 (CW around  M)  ch hds to LOF/Wall {link rk} rk apt L,rec R; fwd L,- to C/Wall,sd R,-;

11-12 Semi/LOD {dou rk} rk bk L,rec R,rk bk L,rec R; {walk & fc} fwd L,-,R,-;

to C/Wall  [2nd & 4th  X to C/LOD]

                                                     Part D

1-12 Quarter Trn Prog Chasse;;;; Fwd Lk Fwd; Manv Sd Clo;Piv to PU;

Walk Bjo Check; Whaletail;; Walk & Manv; Piv 2 to Open;

1-4 C/LOD {quarter  trn & prog chasse} fwd L,-,R,-; to C/Wall sd L,clo R,sd L,-; to

C/Dia R/W bk R to C/Wall,-,sd L,clo R; sd L,-, fwd R,-; to Bjo/LOD

5-6 Bjo/LOD fwd L,XRIB (XIF),fwd L,-; fwd R,- trn RF to C/RLOD, sd L,clo R;

7-8 {piv} bk L trn RF,-,fwd R trn RF,-; to C/LOD fwd L,-,R,-; to Bjo Check

9-10 {whaletail} XLIB (XRIF),sd R,fwd L,Lk RIB; sd L,clo R,XLIB,sd R;

11-12 fwd L,-,fwd R trn RF to C/LOD,-; {piv} bk L trn RF,-,fwd R trn RF,-;

to Open/LOD 


1-3 Slow Fwd;  Right Lunge  Rec; Leg Crawl;

1-3 slow fwd L to CLOD,-,-,-;sd & fwd R,-,rec L,-;{leg crawl}hold,-,-,- (bring L leg up M’s R);